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Flash Poker

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  • Yasir

    Grump.Glad to read Boston gets the chance for a keel break now and then. That the tuttrle is making it. Wondering about the twelve foot wall. Laughing my ass off about all the piping that needs removed, relocated and replaced. Shaking my head over all the

  • Alex

    Haha I was just on Wikipedia proving myeslf correct when I came across this gem of research:Bond\'s drinking habits run throughout the series of books. During the course of On Her Majesty\'s Secret Service alone, Bond consumes forty-six drinks: Pouilly-Fu

  • Monica

    But are they using twelve year old types or is it no diefrefnt from : Ever? because we\'re all looking through the fading eyesight of 30-35-40-50 plus- ness and don\'t all 25 year olds look like this guy ^ ? No? Are they being ageist? is that the issu

  • Khalid

    In The Hour he was brill, and yet it does look like the producers are peipprng the Beiber/Potter/Buddy Holly fan base just a tad. Still he was a caustic prick in The Hour so he should be able to give good snarly smarm towards Daniel Craig\'s 007 have be

  • Naty

    Guys: What are you conversation clues you want to get back with your ex-girlfriend?You are broekn up with her for FIVE years. How would you ask her indirectly if there was a place in her life for you currently? The point is you cannot come out and say >

  • Mazlum

    How do you get your ex- girlfriend back, when she has a boifeyrnd?I still like my ex girlfriend a lot and i wanna get back together with her. She has a boifeyrnd but he doesn\'t treat her well. I have a feeling she has thought about being with me again. I

  • Rodrigo

    Moko, that\'s interesting. Makes you wodner about his past, doesn\'t it? does Bond\'s past ever get mentioned?I think Craig does pull off the well dressed thug type excellently well because he looks bloodlessly attractive, bit like William Hurt.

  • Rodrigo

    Moko, that\'s interesting. Makes you wodner about his past, doesn\'t it? does Bond\'s past ever get mentioned?I think Craig does pull off the well dressed thug type excellently well because he looks bloodlessly attractive, bit like William Hurt.

  • Fatoom

    Un "iso raise" c\'est quand on raise pour "isoler" un joueur et ainsi le jouer en head\'s up! :) En ge9ne9ral on iso raise un mviuaas joueur qui limp, pour pouvoir jouer que contre lui et e9viter de se retrouver e0 voir un flop e0

  • Naveen

    I was needy, and that I had these ocasional mnsoowidgs that would push her away. She says I stressed her out. But I changed so much for her. The only reason I always wanted to hang out with her was because she was always so busy, and if she would go so lo

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