Q: Can someone help me with my literary homework/thesis?
A: At present we are limiting ourselves to just archiving poetry. We hope,
in the future, to archive opinions and reviews of selected online poems.
Due to volume it would be impossible for us to answer individual research
questions. Any material submitted to us will be considered for
publication on this website.
Q: How do I use the Search Engine? How does it work?
A: At present the search engine will only search through the author,
title and first line of every poem in the database. Some search tips are compiled
to make things a bit easier in understanding our programming. We are hopeful to expand our
search algorythm to include full body text searching - however we are
months away from completing such a feature.
Q: Why don't you have poet X, Y, or Z?
A: We are limiting ourselves to non-copyrighted poetry. We
hope to have a user submitted poetry section in the future - but right
now classical poetry is our goal. If you have classical poetry
you feel would be beneficial for us to add, please feel free to email us
at emule@emule.com.
Q: Why the banner advertisements??
A: Due to huge demand, we have outgrown virtual and dedicated web
hosting options available to most websites. We currently have one
co-location server with dedicated bandwidth to allow us to dynamicially
serve up the classical poetry. Our monthly fees average anywhere from
$300/month to $1050/month depending upon the amount of bandwidth we use
each month. All profits and donations are re-invested back into the
website to provide additional bandwidth or to help pay for a new
server! For questions about advertising please go to our contact us page.