Though users can download the program Emule (hereinafter “the Program”), is not the owner of the Program and has not participated in any way in its development or creation.
We just facilitate the downloading of the Program through our web page. We disclaim any responsibility for the quality or functioning of the Program, we do not offer any warranty at all regarding the use of it. Even in case of damages as a consequence of using the Program, damages including, but not limited to, the loss of data or damages to user’s computer, we are not responsible for any of them and the use of our site or the Program may cause you or your computer. All the risk is assumed by the user.
We recommend you to use an anti-virus and to be cautious due to the damage that some files may cause to you or your computer. We are not responsible for undue downloadings. Please be very careful when downloading files with a .exe, .vbs, .lnk, .bat, .sys, or .com suffix, since these files can contain a virus or an spyware. We do recommend the use of some sort of virus-protection software to scan any files that are downloaded. The omission of such recommendation or the malfunctioning of the anti-virus is not our competence at all and we decline any responsibility that may derive.
Due to the fact that Emule is a private net p2p we have no control over the software or the content of the downloadings. We do not support piracy or break copyright laws. Are users who directly exchange the material they wish, thus we recommend you to use your discretion when downloading music, movies, games and software files. Sharing is not illegal as long as you obey all relevant copyright laws. For that reason, the due observance with author rights is also a responsibility of users.
Other sites
Our site may contain links to other sites owned by third parties. The use of them is subject to their own conditions. We hold no responsibility regarding these sites, including but not limited to, changes or contents. The inclusion of these links in our site does not imply any support or endorsement to third parties sites.
Some of our services may not be free. When you order one of them you are accepting all the charges and fees that you may incur. The payment will be done according to the payment terms in effect. We may change, at any time, the amount of the fees and charges.
You agree to indemnify us as a consequence of any claim, including but not limited to, claims for defamation, violation of rights of privacy that derive from your own use of our site, the content, quality or performance of content of the site, your connection to internet, or your breach of these conditions.