If OkonkwoS destiny (chi) is marked by bad luck, one reason may be that-driven by fear of resebling his father-he struggles to repress part of his personality (chi), with predictably results. in the final assesssment, no can fully explain (chi: it is mysteriously uncertain,the element of fate over which we have no realcontro.
TT, please clarify what paragraph or sentence you want to paraphrase, and for what purpose.
If you want to express in a way that makes more sense the two sentences that you have posted, that may be difficult when they appear to attribute three different meanings to the word "chi".
Those two sentences contain at least half a dozen errors of punctuation and spelling. Am I right in guessing that English is not the first language of whoever wrote them.
As a matter of interest, who is Okonkwo?
- Ian
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/02/2022 07:20AM by IanAKB.
I need the whole sentence paraprased. It is a quote from a novel Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe . Okonkwo is the main character in the story. chi is a personal deity, a fragment of the supreme being unique for each individual. it's like a spirit god.
If OkonkwoS destiny (chi) is marked by bad luck, one reason may be that-driven by fear of resembling his father-he struggles to repress part of his personality (chi), with predictably results. in the final assesssment, no can fully explain (chi: it is mysteriously uncertain,the element of fate over which we have no real control.
How could I rephrase this or rewrite it.
I'll have a look at the book when I can get to see it on Monday. Achebe is an excellent novelist and I want to see the sentence in context. Can you give me a chapter or page reference to help find it?
I've got hold of a copy of "Things fall apart" and your sentence does not sound like a direct quote from the novel. It reads more like part of an introduction to the book written by someone else. I'll continue reading in case I find it, but at the moment your sentence seems to mean If events don't turn out well for Okonkwo, it might be that he is afraid of being like his father and so acts too much in the opposite direction.
Okonkwo's father was a lazy, spendthrift coward, Okonkwo is a hard working brutal man.
Trista, it would help us to help you if you took more care over what you ask. And over answering what you are asked.
I agree with Linda that Achebe is an excellent writer. The two sentences you posted cannot possibly be an accurate transcription of anything written by him in English (unless they are words he has put into the mouth of some semi-literate character). The sentence structures are clumsy, and they contain many errors. You have corrected some but not all of those in your second post. If you click on Edit Post at the bottom of your post, you will be able to correct any remaining errors.
Because you posted two sentences, I asked you to clarify what paragraph or sentence you wanted paraphrased. You replied "the whole sentence". Did you mean the whole paragraph?
Linda has written a good paraphrase of the first sentence. I suggest replacing 'that' with 'because', to give more context to the second sentence.
She has found it unnecessary to mention 'chi'. That concept may however be appropriate to mention in a paraphrase of the second sentence. I suggest: Ultimately however, no one can explain why someone's destiny is as it is; it is 'chi', an intractable personal mystery.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/06/2021 01:24AM by IanAKB.