Posted by:
Hugh Clary (
Looks like those Australian schools are making it up as they go along again:
"Dominant readings: those which the text may be positioning the reader to accept or favour,or which embody the dominant values and beliefs in a culture.
Alternative readings: those which are less common but are deemed acceptable because they do not challenge the dominant reading.
Resistant readings: those which move beyond the dominant cultural beliefs to challenge prevailing views."
I will refrain from copying the rest of their gobbledygook, as it was fairly incomprehensible and I was no more informed after having read it than I was before doing so.
Sounds like a spinoff of Hegel's concepts of thesis, antithesis and synthesis, no?
Too complicated for me, but here is some Google stuff:
And here is a good Aussie site with discussion forums and a Search engine if you want to follow up with others who may be in the same spot.