A suggestion for imaginative journeys might include anything by Jules Verne, J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy and the like.
As far as the text which your instructor wants you to create. I think he/she probably wants you to tell a story in which you imitate the storyline of the works you choose.
Alex, what do you understand by 'imaginative journey'?
For example, do you mean
a) imagining a possible physical journey, as you might when planning a holiday trip or watching a travel programme on TV, or
b) imagining travel that is possible only in imagination, such as going back to the days of King Arthur, or
c) a fictional account of physical journeying, such as in a book by Jules Verne, or
d) a journey through the imagination, such as letting your thoughts rove through a series of associated ideas or mental images, having nothing to do with any kind of physical travel ?
If you do mean some kind of imagined physical travel, are you limiting it to human travel, or would a journey by some animal suit your purpose? For instance the classic story 'Lassie Come Home', or A.D.Hope's poem 'The Death of the Bird'
Until you are clear on what you are aiming to 're-present' or 'represent' (which ever it is), I don't see how you can start or be helped on your way.
I am having similar problems... does anyone know if maybe midsummer nights dream (the movie) is a visual text that could be used for imaginative journeys....... or not..... does anyone have any suggestions on possible alternatives