Why do we need to misbehave?
Pass any playground, anywhere
in this world and what do you see?
( Harmony)
Pass any church, temple, shrine or
place of worship or celebration
and what do you see?
Before I grew old, you see me.
Before I lost sight, you see me.
Before I lost my heart, my kingdom,
my soul, you believed in me.
Looking back into darkest night,
I reflect on what dour thoughts
have become of me and it
is not something the next
generation of children should see.
Inane destruction, non communication,
past faults and present demons all
pursue me on due course, headed south.
I open my mouth lately and no good
comes of it.
I've grown as a child,
what you teach is what I believe.
I was born of kind heart,
in what you pumped, is how it beats.
I were a vessel of no wisdom,
what you taught is how I became filled.
I came into this world empty,
how I leave is up to you.
I'm neither good or bad,
what you teach is what I believed.
For you see I'm the lonelyest child.
I'm an adult lost in a child's world.
I am your President.
My thoughts on present conditions.
Whatever happened to Steve?