Since you blink, life is a slideshow,
Memories are just keynotes anyhow,
Flashing images of your body in a pose,
Saying words so insignificant now you can hardly remember them,
At a friend's house you no longer speak to,
Watching tv shows now classic reruns,
Madly in love with a girl you feel nothing for anymore, fissure,
At a wedding, doesn't matter who's, they're all the same.
Or getting a first car, fishing, or fighting.
We lock our memories away so dear,
Invest half our brains in security for them,
But why spend time remembering anyhow?
Keep your eyes open and let new life take its place.
Then you live until you die instead of living just when you're living.
-with love
I especially like the last line. I like anything that makes me think.