after the music is over
when the lights are off
and the cast is gone
there is silence on the stage
and there is nothing.
tonight's plot was theirs
the audience felt it
the creaky floor was lifeless
while the creakers played God and gave it life
the narrator is passionate
and content at the limits of his talent
the lead is a basted ham
so let him have his fun
act 1
he arrives
they meet
seeds are planted
act 2 scene 1
reliable friendship is a given....
act 2 scene 2
when members of the opposite sex are best friends,
at least one of them holds feelings for the other.
act 3 scene 1
hook, line, and sinker
unrequited acting for an unrequited love
act 3 scene 2
tie heartshaped balloons to her and watch her float away.
act 3 scene 3
headwinds whisper
and a few pop.
a few more pop.
watch her 1000 feet from the ground, plummeting.
twist the dove's neck as it tells you it loves you.
hit the ground.
-with love