For all we know the sky is rust
The Sunlight is bloody
The record plays backwards
And our skins are copper
For all we know the ethereal shine at sea
Is oceans flesh in sear
Each fish is an entity
Save no hands, no feel
For all we know our thoughts block crimson
And stubbornly refuse
And are blind to any true cuts' blues
For all we know we are infinite in Mars's red
Because wounded gems we call "Ruby"
And the envious weary
Flock to the dead
For all we know the devil's skin is bloodshot eyes (my stare in a mirror)
And the Nile is the flushed cheeks' blush
And the soul? An itchy arm's rash
Because the gunshot's shatter brings eventual silence,
A hush.
-with love
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/17/2011 01:26AM by Fickledlife.