Starting a new friv con.
"Well," said Ford, "if we're lucky it's just the Vogons come to throw us in to space."
"And if we're unlucky?"
"If we're unlucky," said Ford grimly, "the captain might be serious in his threat that he's going to read us some of his poetry first ..."
Vogon poetry is the worst, right.
lol lol lol
Vogon poetry is according to HG2G the third worst in the universe. HG2G has this on bad poetry:
"The second worst is that of the Asgoths of Crea. During a recitation by their poetmaster Grunthos the Flatulent of his poem "Ode to a Small Lump of Green Putty I Found in my Armpit One Midsummer Morning" four of his audience died of internal haemorrhaging and the president of the mid-galactic Arts Knobbling Council survived only by gnawing one of his own legs off. Grunthos was reported to have been "disappointed" by the poem's reception, and was about to embark on a reading of his 12-book epic entitled "My Favourite Bathtime Gurgles" when his own major intestine, in a desperate attempt to save humanity, leapt straight up through his neck and throttled his brain. The very worst poetry of all perished along with its creator, Paul Neil Milne Johnston, in the destruction of the planet Earth. Vogon poetry is mild by comparison."
Coin, I loved the mice (you are here). :-) LOL
lol lol lol, yes lol, Veronika
What did the mouse (in the snake) wrote in a postcard to his friends.
Wished you were here, earlier.
Hello from inside a snake?
Wished you were here earlier.
Of course! lol lol lol!
But this, gwyn, is an anti friv page.
What did the head mouse say when the five mouse desperadoes had circled the snake?
One of you is going to be a martyr?
Mouse 1: Don't you see what the sign is telling us? We are inside of a snake.
Mouse 2: Interesting insight.
I've some business to attend to folks, I'll have to leave you to your devices for quite some time I'd wager. So keep fighting the good fight and all that. Via La Resistance.
And Dral, I see no reason for us to oppose each other in the future. My objective is still understanding, not control. So perhaps we could simply respect each other's activities, something like silent partners? I hope even work together. Choose as you will, I'll do you no harm.
Is there an echo in here.
lol lol lol
As you know I just sit on the fence and observe.
and I hate what you did to Iraq. bullies.
wanking over my head, **** off.
I agree with K.Q.:
"I don't think this is funny, Coin. I usually enjoy your poetry and find insights in you comments, but not this time."
Coin, I think you have made your point. If you feel you have more to say, maybe better to say it here on friv con and not on a poetry thread. Poetry and poets deserve some respect.
Calmly and lovingly, V.
Post Edited (05-25-05 04:36)
It's no good, if you can't eat it.
Through Closed Eyelids
When you see how
sadness is being smuggled by
the white sailboats of clouds and you
do not send your flocks after them,
when you behold how the sunflower turns
after the cold sun of indifferrece
and your gaze flies up towards your morning,
when the wind begins to rattle
its key like a jailer
and you do not lower your astonished hands
into the low, darkening twilight,
when the overseer of winter puts out
the eyes of your swallows, and you let them
rush off again and seek the pure heights
with their wings,
when the iron gate on the plaza of winds
slams and pinches your fingers,
and you reach out for the impossible again
this heavy world invisibly
shifts in its dream to your side
for the space of a single poppy seed.
(Translated from Slovenian by J.M.D.)
Post Edited (05-25-05 12:39)
It's no good, if you can't eat it.
As I said in the other friv I " am trying to support the rights of people to be able to post freely, but with such rights also come responsibilities not to act like some jerky child."
thank you Veronika
Why are my words and ideas being raped?, answer that and, maybe, I will stop behaving like a "jerky child".
Coin, are you writing everything that is being posted under your name?
Please be specific. If someone is messing with your posts and signon, then that's bad and you should not be blamed for it
Why have I had false accusations made against me and slander?, answer that and maybe I will give some respect.
Why have I had pornography spammed to my email sight relating to this site?, answer that and maybe I will trust.
Why have sinister threats been made to me regarding hatemail lists, answer that?
Sorry, disgusting!
Respect??, after that!!. you have to be kidding! fuming
can you tell me clearly what the problem is or what the problems are? I can't make much sense out of your comments.
You had pornography spammed to you? How is that related to this site? Is someone targetting you personnally or is it a mass mail sent by some robot? Your email address might have gotten on some list somewhere. This is not related to emule, although whenever you post your email address on internet, there is the danger it will be picked up. There is no technology to prevent this. I have created a separate email account for this reason to use on websites.
Also, can you confirm (or deny) that all posts by you are actually by you? If not, change your password and make sure you always sign out when leaving your computer. Do not store your username and password on a public computer.
To track every concern I have would make me some kind of stalker.
I am sick and tired of sharing my ideas only to see them used to death repeated back to me and to used insinuate bad things about me.
Yes pornography has been spammed to me since I only use this email account for this site and the wording of the emails often relate to poems on the site I can only assume that someone on the site is responsible.
I have been accused wrongly, I feel, as a reason to insight hatred towards me and rape my ideas and even language structure and words, disturbing to say the least.
I have had sinister implications made to me regarding nazis and hatemail lists which have also upset me.
I initially emailed emule with my concerns and recieved no response.
My partner emiled emule regarding my concerns and recieved no response.
I can't be bothered with the abuse that comes with sharing my ideas, I will keep them to myself, or sell them in future.
Thank you Desi for taking the time to respond
Next time you receive an email that is abusive, forward it to me and I'll see if I can do something about it. It seems personal, if it uses your words and poems, so chances are we can trace the ip and report the abuse to the host who will then block the user.
The people behind emule created the site as a hobby, and are very busy elsewhere. It may take them quite some time to respond, if your email got through. Also, they can't do much more than I'm suggesting now.
For the rest, try to ignore abusive remarks. If it is really out of order you can always email me and I can see if it should be deleted or edited.
Do not reply to these as experience shows that it only stimulates the offender.
Can you also explain clearly who accused you of what?
Will the defense please call their first witness.
Thank you, I emailed emule quite a long time ago, actually, and since I announced the problem on the forum the email I receive has changed subject, no longer is pornographic. I deleted, on Les's request, emails I received.
"I am sick and tired of sharing my ideas only to see them used to death repeated back to me and to used insinuate bad things about me. "
This is still a problem and I can't see it stopping whilst I post my, rather poor, poetry on the site - which seems to provoke. It's upsetting though.
Insinautions regarding my religion, political stance and gender are unacceptable and not relevant to poetry. Vague references to the company I keep to as being a good enough reason to implicate heckling is also upsetting.
I just can't be bothered, this is not working for me but I can see how some people have no problem working in these conditions, I will leave.
I think when you post anything personal (like poetry) on a website you are bound to have some negative remarks. As I said, when you feel it is out of line (like insulting insinuations), contact one of the moderators. Do not reply. Also try to (I know it's hard) not to take things so much to heart. Normally, communication is 80 percent non-verbal. Things may be read completely different than intended because of this.
Good luck with improving your poetry (I haven't read any of it, so I'm only replying to your remark!) :-)
Noooooo, dont let them push you out, I love your poetry! Noooooo!
I too have recently received a couple of threatening emails, and also had crap posted on my own website, undoubtedly by someone from here.
I realise my presence here has proved provocative. Although I'd never resort to abusing someone in such a cowardly manner via email or via their own personal website.
I'm slow on the uptake but have finally realised my presence is no longer required.
I would hope that the moderators (the real ones, not the appointed monkeys) here take into consideration the amount of people who leave, simply because of the narrow minded approach by certain individuals.
I believe, and so do others that Les should not have the power or privilege to abuse peoples rights as he does. Give the job to KQ or Johnny or someone who isn't blinkered or as narrow minded.
Doubt everything. Find your own light.
E-mail me.
Hello. Yesterday (or maybe the day before, I've been busy!) one of my poems was bumped due to a spammer's idiocy. Now I cannot find that poem. It was called The Leaves Fall, and I really liked it (is that too narcissistic to admit?). Now, I haven't been here all that long, I guess, but I just wondered if anyone knew where it was, or if anyone had saved it ... probably not, I agree ... yet I would like an answer.
In the future, if one of my posts is deleted (if that is even the case - I may just be blind!), I'd first like to be informed so that I may copy it! Just saying, is all.
Anyway, not even sure if it was deleted, but I cannot find it. Any help would be nice! Thanks, everyone.
Lennon Wolf
We were just this band ... that made it really, really big is all. - John Lennon, 1970
Back to the inane:
Keeper of the Light:
If you will creep down the hallway tonight, you will find your monsters and ghost are not sleeping; their in the field with my furies, their an adulterous bunch.
Lennon, not to worry, it's there (do a search and you'll find it) A-Leenos
Author: Lennon (
Date: 04-08-05 16:49
The hollowness inside,
the awfully lonely, the best thing about being friendless,
talking heads babbling hymns - tolling across leaf-scattered courtyards.
Heavy hearts on benches wanting nothing to do with love.
Soft shafts and dances of wind and light, the print-touch of sound bombard,
motionless they wait outside the windowpanes rainbow; sitting bundled and forgotten,
true-truce stalemates in those long pauses just before the dream of adulthood,
when children still think big thoughts, and need not want for
We were just this band ... that made it really, really big is all.
- John Lennon, 1970
Thanks A-Leenos! My search button isn't working at all; I keep getting a BLANK PAGE thingy. I must have some sort of adware or some such on my computer. For the past few days I haven't even been able to log on to E-mule! Might be time for a new computer. Finally
Also, I guess I should start making copies of my work. I've never done that before, just type and send; much more my style!
Thanks again,
We were just this band ... that made it really, really big is all. - John Lennon, 1970
Lennon, I do the same copies
[] />
Try the downlaods section for adware and spyware, it is some of the better freeware that I have found. Additions to this are welcome, as I as always will look for something better.
It seems that we have a serious problem here. I would say that deleting said emails is the worst thing that can be done, because it also removes evidence that could be vital in tracking down those responsible.
I know that we have had issues in the past, but I want to thank you personally here for showing me forebearance and respect on my recently posted poems. I just want you to know that it is appreciated.
I swear it has been years since I have seen your name in the USP. I am glad that you haven't disappeared. (You were the first person I ever posted a comment to)
Bashing people won't help your cause. What has been happening to you is of concern to all of us. Perhaps we can all try and work together here to solve it? Also, let me just say, that as someone who has posted thousands of responses to other peoples poetry, there are only so many ways that you can offer praise before you are either repeating yourself, or another. It is that age old monkeys writing shakespeare thingy. Don't take it so personally; after all, for all you know, you are echoing someone else too.
Post Edited (05-26-05 09:38)
I use Avast Home Edition/Avast Cleaner for my virus checker. It is free and better than Norton's, AVG, or PC-illin.
I back it up with Winpatrol (that asks your permission before files are overwritten) and ZoneAlarm to block programs that I have become suspicious of. My computer has been clean and speedy now for more than 6 months. You might want to give those a try, although I would strongly recommend reformatting and reloading your OS first.
You could also do the following old school approach (sometimes simple is better). Go to: Start, Run (type in CMD) and click okay. Type in CD.. and hit return. Repeat till you are at the C:\ command prompt and then type the following:
CHKDSK /f and hit enter
It will ask you (Y/N) type in Y and hit enter. Reboot your computer. If you problem continues, then reformat and reinstall. Hope that helps ya.
Post Edited (05-26-05 09:22)
I don't think it is simply a problem of "that age old monkeys writing shakespeare thingy." lol although that did make me smile, at least.
No one else on the forum has had their words, phrases, ideas used and implications made about their moral and mental ability to the extent I have and I can only assume that there is a darker motivation at work.
The pornography I received has been dealt with, I certainly am not going to reveal anything of a personal nature on this site, only to see it ripped to pieces in 15 to 20 ensuing poems. My partner writes audience tracking software, it isn't cheap though. If Emule were to consider audience tracking software it would stop poets feeling that they were responsible for "policing" the site and allow them to write less stalkerish poetry, perhaps.
Anyway, thanks for your concern.
Thanks, you're too kind, my poetry sucks.
My mother was driven to suicide by a smear campaign, I notice her name and references to personal details about my life and friends appearing all the time on emule. How has that information found it's way here? No doubt some tacky poem will appear on the subject. It's dark, I'm leaving.
By the way, my mother's name was vivien, my nana's name was emily, how many more slurs "vill" be made on my dead family, my father perhaps?
Post Edited (05-26-05 17:20)
Respect! Respect!
I spit!
I mean I have a dead dog too, if you want, moldy dead dog poetry. Yes, moldy dead dog poetry and a stinking Willow Tree, lovely.
My father's name was Will.
Do you want to know what my dog's name was?
SURE, you already know!!!! stalkers.
Holy crap! Goin' explorin'!
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. (Aristotle)
Watered down conviction.
"Loving people is like farting in the wind; You don't actually accomplish anything, but you feel better."
~The Great and Powerful Angelia~
From: Governor William J. LePetomane
Gentlemen, this bill is a giant step forward in the treatment of the insane gambler
I must say, bravo on the changes to the forum; overall I feel that it is much improved, however I have noticed somethings that I think bear scrutiny.
1. Those poets who used special formatting to showcase their poetry: i.e. JH Summers, On the Mountain Top, and Gwydion's Who Cries? are now a complete botch job because it is showing all the codes they used. (nbsp for each space). Does this mean that now the space bar itself will allow for such formatting?
2. I have always hated page clicks. One of the charming things that I loved about Emule was the fact that I wasn't constantly having to click everywhere to get to where I am going. I LIKED being able to just use the scroll bar to go back to find what I was looking for, rather than click, "is this the page? Nope, is THIS the page? etc..." Everything else I see I like. Point two here is my only REAL pet peeve. I should also mention that for people with metacarpal syndrome or arthritis, the less mouse work the better (and we do have an aging population world wide).
I must say the grey and white looks good,but for Emule maybe not. Not in my opinion anyways,but hey not my site. Not my opinion. However Im glad it has been put into a new look. Copyright © 1995 - 2005 All Rights Reserved. Poetry Archives is a wholly owned subsidiary of, Inc.. Even that has been updated
I guess there is alot of trouble here at Emule. At least as I have read here in Friv. My pc is coming along better. Im starting to be able to situate myself and start coming back here sooner..I think,but you never know with me however. I did manage to close the case on my pc and change where I put my new hard drive from the a drive slot to the actual hard drive slot on this pc case. Now my pc is close and sitting here quite as a gee what could it be quite as ? Well Im not certain,but unlike my old hard drive which sounded as bad as the highway/interstate next door. This is to quite haha. I mean seriously. I once walked in here after going to bed the night before when I left it on intentionally for downloading purposes. Well I came in here the next morning and I thought someone turned the pc off,but no it's just sooo quiet now. Need I mention all the space...Hmm if all I had was poetry to write and storys. I would never be able to fill this hard drive. Lol,but no I have other things to fill it with. Everything here is going good. I mainly wanted to write a little hello and wow what a change..I thought there was no more Emule when I clicked the link. Only to realize I was mistaken. It doesn't seem that they have changed the website. As I did go browse it,but it looks the same. Well I guess Im going to be quite for now. There is an option to allow,or not to allow signature. I think that should just be an option in your profile. I want my sig to show as it always does.
"To write something, you have to risk making a fool of yourself." Anne Rice
Les, I don;t know who to tell since the first thread is closed. I don't have much trouble with this new form except for the "Send replies to this thread to me via email". It sends the link and not the message and it is disturbing to have to keep on opening windows to check each post. what happened to simply receiving the ost in email? Is there a chance that can be restored? Who do I ask if not you?
Don't worry KQ. You can post all your messages wherever you wish. We'll read them and pass them on to Aaron. I'll send him an email about your query now.
My last goodbyes
Say no more
The hatred in her eyes
The anger in her voice
My throat restricted
I hang here to die
Nothing is left for me
Nothing is left for life
I close my eyes to end it all
I open eyes and see a wall
I was only dreaming I was only
The house begins to shake
The ceiling starts to crack
Debri begans to fall
The house comes alive
In anger and angst
It shakes violently
There is no control
She smiles lying next to me
No more hatred in her voice
Fear controls us all
A rafter splits open
Torn boards mangle into our bed
Theres no escape in this awful downfall
I can not tell the time
I don't know why this is to me happening
I hear her screams
Not in anger not towards me
A board comes tumbling down
It rips through her skull like wet newspaper
I awake it was only a dream
But suddenly through the wall a truck comes crashing through
My body becomes mangled below the tires
My life ends
As the house burns to the ground
But im awake in a reality that doesn't exist
Ok Im just messing around. I have a link for you all. I think you may want to read.
This is film has a great message. I can't say that it is like your typical Hollywood movie,but it has a great message. []
K.Q. thanks for sharing that info. But I'm not the one to deal with the technical issues. Click on the post at the top of this page and find Aaron's private messages. He is listed as "Root". If you click on his name, you will see the private messages icon at the bottom of the slot.
Anothher link some of you may find interesting today []
I didn't see that comment Jerry! Can I tell you a secret? I'm not Keeper of the Light. I'm simply Keeper of Light. You see, Keeper of the Light was my famous 'stalkerish' lover called Critic. (Just kidding about the lover part children.)
We ought to do something about those furies of yours. My monsters tell me they were seduced and I believe them! They've only lied a million times before!
All my love,
"Loving people is like farting in the wind; You don't actually accomplish anything, but you feel better."
~The Great and Powerful Angelia~
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/29/2005 12:50AM by Keeper of Light.
Hi all. I really missed you. Restless with no forum, I was motivated to create a yahoo group mail. I sent invitations to all I could get emails of with the help of Peter. It is a back up plan just in case we ever get cut off. Please visit and see if you wish to join. The address is:
[] />
I really am glad to be back!
Although I do not know who to address particularly,I would like to express my appreciation to all the efforts that have been done to keep this site alive. Thank you!
You may add my note of graititude to the moderaters and all others who keep this place alive. I too felt withdrawal pangs after too short a time. Everybody write a poem!
crystal on the water
liquid shadows run by.
see the rising sun!
See the work the workers have done!
when they work
since unread verses
are not always so poetic
Gees my pc went screwy on me. I didn't have bio's set to boot cd first and so then I wasn't able to boot my winxp disc. Need I mention that Im not even sure what happen to my hard drive,or whatever. Long story short. Im back. My pc is running. I managed to salavage all my files...But sadly I have to REINSTALL EVERY GAME I INSTALLED BEFORE. Well at least I got my files and my new hard drive didn't fail. So yea thats where I been.
What kind of music have you been listening to lately, Nolon. Any thing hot musically on the horizon?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2005 10:46AM by lg.
Amora Spam
Civilization exists by geological consent, subject to change without
notice. Imagination is more important than knowledge. To
invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk. To find a
fault is easy; to do better may be difficult. I never vote for
anyone; I always vote against.There is nothing more exhilarating than
to be shot at without result. Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men
believe in cause and effect. What happens to the hole when the cheese
is gone? War is cruel and you cannot refine it. It is not the mountain
we conquer but ourselves, let me know what you think.
- By "your corpse'll be carried out of it. Ye mangy hound, d'ye dareobbie."
recently enlightening spam received, with gratitude I share..
"Everyone who eats meat should walk through an abattoir"
Ozzy Osbourne
Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men
believe in cause and effect.
In the middle they believe in causing luck.
I could send you a list when my server creates it Lg. New Seether,Staind,Sinch,but that Sinch new album isn't nearly what the other was,but I enjoy it. and well Staind will never be another Tormented. Money,fame,kids,wife,etc. Makes all the difference,but thats ok because I don't mind the lovely melodys and lyrics of lately. Not that all have been mellow. But you sure couldn't call anything after Dysfunction Tormented. Which Tormented was Stainds first album. That album was full of angst. The riffs and everything on it was pretty hard,or very sad. But thats ok. I accept and welcome the changes. As long as the bandmates lives are good. My friend from Ville platte,La where im from has recently disbanded with his xbandmates,but has found a new band with some other friends of mine. Their called Escaping no where. I have a website,but not at the moment. As I have not downloaded my bookmarks yet. There also on My space under the same name,but only right now is the singer and his acoustic. Well thats about all the music I can currently think of,but Im sure there is more. Oh I remember some others New Dope,Static x.
Still have not signed in. Just wondering. Nothing is showing up as new. Anyone else having this issue ? I know it isn't because stuff isn't new. Just I dunno. Feedback ?
I think you have to be logged in to be in the system, and interact completely.
Thanks, muchly, Coin.
'causing lucK'= creating opportunity?
Intertwined similarly
Who knows Peter, I don't have time for cryptics right now.
What do you mean "Cryptics"? Is that a shot or something. lol
'Cryptics" is just a continuing rudeness in this person's ordinary responses to us.
Nolon, thanks for the heads up on the new music. I'll keep an eye out for these guys.
Their called Escaping no where
Your bad smells are becoming tiresome.
By cryptics I meant language indirectly used to implicate and confuse.
"'Cryptics" is just a continuing rudeness in this person's ordinary responses to us."
I would like to know what is rude or offensive about the word "Cryptics".
I also would like to know why Peter appears to be pitting the forum against me, note:
"this person's ordinary responses to us."
I bet myself a ham sandwich he doesn't know himself.
I love ham, I think it has an identity crisis though.
"You mean to tell me that Ham, Bacon & Pork come from ONE magical animal?"
---Homer J. Simpson
I thought as much Sat. Thanks for the tip though. Ok I shall sign in asap.
I don't know, you know I have a hard time learning things, everytime I do I forget something else. Remember when I learned how to drink and forgot how to drive?
---Homer Simpson
Ok there now Im new new new able. It used to not be that way,but hey thats cool. Makes the newcomers unsure of if we actually talk. Shh erase the posts about this. Now this is set and windows trash wall is off.
"To write something, you have to risk making a fool of yourself." Anne Rice
lol, doesn't it just ;o)
'I don't know, you know I have a hard time learning things, everytime I do I forget something else. Remember when I learned how to drink and forgot how to drive?'--this sounds just like what I said to my doctor today! eerie. eerie.
what did I say?
You and Matt Groening may have to discuss some royalties in the future.