Lettre de George Sand à Alfred de Musset :
Je suis très émue de vous dire que j'ai
bien compris l'autre soir que vous aviez
toujours une envie folle de me faire
danser. Je garde le souvenir de votre
baiser et je voudrais bien que ce soit
là une preuve que je puise être aimée
par vous. Je suis prête à vous montrer mon
affection toute désintéressée et sans cal-
cul, et si vous voulez me voir aussi
vous dévoiler sans artifice mon âme
toute nue, venez me faire une visite.
Nous causerons en amis, franchement.
Je vous prouverai que je suis la femme
sincère, capable de vous offrir l'affection
la plus profonde comme la plus étroite
en amitié, en un mot la meilleure preuve
que vous puissiez rêver, puisque votre
âme est libre. Pensez que la solitude où j'ha-
bite est bien longue, bien dure et souvent
difficile. Ainsi en y songeant j'ai l'âme
grosse. Accourrez donc vite et venez me la
faire oublier par l'amour où je veux me
George Sand
Réponse d'Alfred de Musset :
Quand je mets à vos pieds un éternel hommage,
Voulez-vous qu'un instant je change de visage ?
Vous avez capturé les sentiments d'un coeur
Que pour vous adorer forma le créateur.
Je vous chéris, amour, et ma plume en délire
Couche sur le papier ce que je n'ose dire.
Avec soin de mes vers lisez les premiers mots,
Vous saurez quel remède apporter à mes maux.
Alfred de Musset
La réponse de George :
Cette insigne faveur que votre coeur réclame
Nuit à ma renommée et répugne à mon âme.
George Sand
I posted these in particular for the hidden message. Did you discover it yet?
Lisez chaque deuxième ligne? Et les premiers mots dans chaque ligne de la réponse.
Interesting hyphenation on cal-cul. Apparently she is ready to show him her bottom!
you've got it! I find especially the last answer brilliant. It sounds like she is telling him off, but in fact she tells him to come "cette nuit", i.e. this night.
And what do you think of the lines:
puisque votre bite est bien longue, bien dure et souvent grosse.
You two would have been marvelous together! She would have eaten your limericks for breakfast!
It's times like this I wish I'd stayed awake during French lessons!
well, don't know if french lessons really help. She uses quite a lot of slang. Remember when after 6 years of french at high school I came across "real french". Seemed I had to learn the whole language again. Even when I knew the word, they got around me understanding it by using verlan! (http://french.about.com/library/vocab/bl-verlan.htm).
And what do you think of the lines:
puisque votre bite est bien longue, bien dure et souvent grosse.
Apparently she was no proponent of the 'size doesn't matter' school. Either that, or she knew how best to compliment her lovers! Perhaps 'musset' is French for muscle? Maybe not.
I remember reading up on her when researching a dactyl I was doing about her married name. The valentine reference is to her 2nd novel.
Baroness Dudevant
Pipe smoking mama whose
Name's like a man's;
Tastes were decidedly
Once was a wanton at
Freddie Chopin's.
Not a bad looking babe in her younger days:
[www.cyranos.ch] />
I have not seen any pictures of Big Al, though.
here ya go
picture of musset: [www.alalettre.com] />
I asked alexandre and he says Musset doesn't mean anything in french. It seems to be his real name.
Muscles in french is muscles. You can drop the name "french fries" (which french people believe to be from Belgium, not France), but without french words you don't have much of a vocabulary ;-)
He seems more attractive than Jules Sandeau, from whom the Baroness got her pen name:
[www.academie-francaise.fr] />
At least Alfred had all his hair, bien qu'aussi avec une barbe!
must say, I don't find either of them attractive. She probably went for intellect rather than looks.
now we're on the subject, do you have your pic online? Am curious whether your wife went for only your intellect or your looks too.
I thought I had a jpg scan on my hard drive somewhere, but I can't find it right now. Probably just as well - only suitable for frightening small children in any case.
[www.clary.com] />
the things you learn......
If that dude founded his company in 1939, I suspect he is computing in the great beyond by now. Still, my middle initial is 'L', odd though that may be.
the only hugh l. clary google links all point to the same guy. Not you.
Hugh clary though:
[www.angelfire.com] />
[www.ablemuse.com] />
(I recognised this one!)
think this one is at the wrong site of the united states:
[emailwire.com] />
definately a reference to you, cool!:
[www.askoxford.com] />
you're a microship?
[stardust.jpl.nasa.gov] />
anyway, I'm not going through all ten pages, or you might believe I'm stalking you. But it is fun!
please reply back send me french poetry