Percival: Merciful, Interval, Perceival, Medieval, Nurse Evil
Satirical: Flat-tirical, Maniacal, Satyrical
Cherrytreeinspring: sprucetreeinthewinter, twig o’green, marthawashington
jenny22moon: 23Skiddoo, jellybeans, planetjupiter, emuleisstupider
Les:Lester, UncleFester, Lessismore, Oliveandpimentopudding, BreastQuest
Jean-Paul: Juan-Paulos, PJ, JP, PP, SuperCreepCrawl, johnstall, cornball
StephenFreyer: Stuffingfryer, heavingcrier, steppingfriar
KQ: You’re welcome, ABC, PU, haiku, boohoo, Tofu, ballyhoo, PieQ, IQ, Achoo
Post Edited (03-25-05 16:35)
"I "Love Summer more than I hate Winter"
Good laughs ! Not sure of the adhesive power of these, mon capitan, and is it wise to piss off Stephen Broiler?
yours truly,
Jonathan Lackbottom
Baron of Greymatter
Ever heard "Too Much Time On My Hands" by Styx?
"....tu, tu, tu too much time on my hands...."
One of my favourites
Ever watch "The Comedy Channel" ?
Time Well Wasted is their slogan
You gotta admit, it's a good mental (or maybe psycho) exercise.
No offense intended folks.
I got more coming.
"I "Love Summer more than I hate Winter"
josephtorelli: josephandmary, josepirelli, joetortellini
lg: sm, m, Xlg, XXlg, XXXlg, lgwrnch
If anyone gets offended, I'll stop.
"I "Love Summer more than I hate Winter"
So how about me?
Talia: LaBella, Italia, ITellYa, Italics, Headsya, Taliaphone
"I "Love Summer more than I hate Winter"
You forgot genitalia
I wasn't comfortable with that one.
What is the origin of that word?
It sounds Latin, and it seems to have something to do with the beginning of life.
Does anyone here know Latin?
"I "Love Summer more than I hate Winter"
It's bits for begeting.
resulting in much fretting
"I "Love Summer more than I hate Winter"
drpeternz: dockrockpockeetockeerocknockzock, nursepeternz,
"I "Love Summer more than I hate Winter"
Lady of the Night- Sadie Loves muh Light, Damsel of the Darkness, Fred
"I "Love Summer more than I hate Winter"
Hugh Clary: Huge Clarity, You Spare Me, Hug Fairly, Huge and Hairy,
Claire Hughley, Hughie Clare, You Eclair
Post Edited (03-25-05 16:45)
"I "Love Summer more than I hate Winter"
camus: I won't go there
"I "Love Summer more than I hate Winter"
I'm sure the word GENITALIA comes from the same root as GENESIS, but I'm afraid to look it up on line. The last time I looked up an anatomical term on line I wound up getting daily emails offering me viagra in a plain brown wrapper. And penis enlargement. AND breast enlargement, which I think entitles me to ask, seriously, the usually rhetorical question: WHAT DO THEY THINK I AM?
Nearly, the gen- root comes from the Greek "become" and the Latin "beget", both suggesting breeding and growing.
Unfortunately, knee is similar but not the same. So you have genuflect (bend the knee)
Here you go Marian:
-genesis: A suffix referring to the beginning, development, or production of something. For example, gametogenesis is the development and production of the male and female germ cells (the gametes) required to form a new individual. Osteogenesis is the production of bone. Pathogenesis is the development of a disease, the sequence of events leading up to that disease. The Latin word "genesis" is derived from the Greek "gignesthai" meaning "to be born."
1382, from L. genitalis "pertaining to generation or birth," related to Gk. genete "birth" (see genus).
Post Edited (03-27-05 02:22)
Johnny: Ronnie, Runny, Sunny, Bono, Oh No!
Hey I ain't no Yoko !
Finally! Someone else.
"I "Love Summer more than I hate Winter"