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Posted by: cw (
Date: December 20, 2021 04:20PM

Why perfect? Does this mean you do everything correctly. Well nobody in the world is perfect so why do they have such a word when nobody can live up to this word. How come some people call them selves perfect but aren't

Re: perfection
Posted by: Marian-NYC (12.154.236.---)
Date: December 20, 2021 07:09PM

Anyone who says "I'm perfect" -- isn't.

The next best thing in this world is to become aware of our short-comings, FORGIVE ourselves, and look for gentle ways to improve. When we do that, we become able to do the same for others.

I don't know anyone who expects other people to be perfect, but I have heard the word used by some Christians in prayers. What I remember hearing was, "Help us to become more perfect." Well, if you can be MORE or LESS perfect, then perfect doesn't mean PERFECT, if you know what I mean. I think it means "Help us to live up to our own standards more and more as we go on in life."

The same Christians use the expression "to be Christlike." If you consider that Jesus had at least one outburst of enormous rage, at least one nervous breakdown, and at least one deep episode of self-pity, then "Christlike" doesn't mean PERFECT, either. It means constantly aware of your own deepest beliefs.

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