Brucefur --
I wanted to write you a little note , but couldn't immediately find a spot on a thread with your name on it, so I guess this is the appropriate place. I found your comments of Gwidion's thread today useful and mature. I don't ordinarily go out of my way to praise someone else's criticism (I'd rahter encoureage poets directly, critics can take care of themselves, usually), but I found your interchane with camus about criticism helpful to my own hinking. This is not to say I care about whose side of the 'dispute between friends' I would land on in that particular disagreement, but I have for as long as I have been in this forum enjoyed and followed camus' poetry and comments, and I am just sending you this note to acknowledge the usefulness of what you say and to acknowledge toyou that I hope to keep up with what you say in the ffuture. By the way, in poetry as in live, I am an advocate of ambiguity.
Thank you, Peternsz, and thank Gwydion for letting me know that this was here; as I never come into General D.
Peter, a point of information:
Most writers and critics on the USP monitor the Frivolous Conversations thread so you can address items to them over there.
Most of those who frequent this forum and the Homework forum can be addressed as you have done here.
Moderators are a special case of course. They mostly prefer e-mails.
Thanks both Les and Bruce for the geographicak info.