At the Reagan funeral today, June 11, Patty Davis read a poem that had the phrase "child of earth". I did not catch the author nor the title. If anyone knows please e-mail me the info.
Thank you
Carol, anything so widely heard gets on the net very quickly.
I just searched for ["child of earth" + Reagan] and found this immediately:
He may have in his lifetime come across a small book called Peace of Mind, by Joshua Loth Lieberman. If he did, I think he would have been struck by these lines: "Then for each one of us, the moment comes when the great nurse, death, takes man, the child, by the hand and quietly says, 'It's time to go home, night is coming. It is your bedtime, child of Earth.' "
(from a news story posted at
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It's a safe bet the book will be in bookstore windows the next time you go shopping.
Thank you, Marian. Appreciate the info