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Hugh Clary (
Here's one for (the missing) Chesil - Coleridge's lost poem, Lewti:
Lewti, Or the Circassian Love Chant
At midnight by the stream I rov’d
to forget the form I lov’d
Image of Lewti! from my mind
Depart; for Lewti is not kind.
The moon is high, the moonlight gleam,
And the shadow of a star
Heaves upon Tamaha’s stream;
But yonder rock shines brighter far,
The rock is (?gloss’d) with
moonlight Dew,
Thro’ pendant boughs of
tressy Yew -
Here (?) and there it steals to view
Thro’ pendant boughs of tressy Yew
As bright a gleam and far more soft
There (?plays) from Lewti’s
fore-head oft
From beneath her jetty hair,
The vine like tendrils of her hair,
Thro’ Locks so black and brow so
Circassian = Caucasian?
Tamaha - in Nigeria? Surely not Oklahoma USA
Prolly not Sammy's best, no.