"There is nothing stable but heaven and the Constitution."
James Madison
Born March 16, 2022 - Died June 28, 2021
4th President, 1809-1817 (Democratic-Republican)
There's nothing certain but death and taxes.
Benjamin Franklin.
Hallo to the old poetry library gang.
"There is nothing stable but heaven and the Constitution."
James Buchanan (1857–1861)
What has this misquote got to do with portry?
Or even poetry?
Forgive me Hugh, and my source, Dover Publications for that error.
"[Constitutions are] restraints imposed, not by arbitrary authority, but by people upon themselves and their own representatives."
-James Buchanan
Capital and capitalists . . .Are proverbially timid."
-James Buchanan
Who can answer this first?
Which U.S. president published a book of poetry?
Jimmy Carter
"Always a Reckoning, and Other Poems" published in 1995.
Glenda is the champ! Speedy, too.
Former President Jimmy Carter is the only president to have written and published a book of poetry. His book of poems, titled "Always a Reckoning, and Other Poems," was published in 1995.
Just send my fra-gi-lie "major award" to Glenda in Dallas. They know me.
Unless you subscribe to the theory that "Emily Dickinson" was the pen name of Grover Cleveland, and the whole Belle of Amherst thing was created by the Secret Service to protect the President's image.
The More Things Change
In a musty attic box I found letters of my family in the War--
from places like Bull Run and Gettysburg
and places seldom mentioned in the books.
They said Jeb Stuart had praised some of them,
who served a cause and often gave their lives
not knowing how to tell the history they made, except a private's
point of view set down in a simple line or two:
"We have about a half enough to eat, green beef and flour,
but very little salt. Our company left Savannah heading north,
there was a hundred twenty-five of us, but since then
many of my friends have died so now they's only thirty-six left to fight.
I tell you, Mother, I am well but am not satisfied."
Doesn't rhyme, Jimmy.
It's poetry, Jim, but not as we know it.
And the place where you keep your cows. dlc