Re: Food for thought
Posted by:
Hugh Clary (
Date: July 22, 2021 03:12PM
Scientific Method
Know ye,
Nothing is certain.
All is fog and mystery.
Using scientific method,
Being true to the game,
We can determine,
Roughly who gets stomped,
By the elephant.
First: observe your world.
You must see it fresh,
In the light of what we already know
For almost certain,
But with eyes too new
To have forced the World
Into their image.
You must,
In short,
Be objective
And true to what is.
Not what you wish to be.
Second: comment thereon.
Your comment might be as simple
As a note that skies
Are rarely brown
Outside New Jersey
Or Bracknell.
It might be fifty pages
Worth of lifestory of a single bird.
It might be mathematics
So deep and learned
That few others ever alive
Could follow it.
Your comment, your description,
Your theory, axiom, blinding inspiration,
Or ten hundredweight of coredump,
Is not real.
It is a painting,
Approximating part
Of what is real.
Third: Predict the future.
Once the world has been modelled,
At least in part,
You should extend your painting,
Stretch your story,
Push your theory
Outside the bounds of what you know,
Into the dark, glorious circle
Of our joyous ignorance.
You must say something new.
You must, at the very least,
Say something known
In a new way.
And make it easier for us to grasp.
You might think to produce yellow crystals,
Or to merge a bird with a bison,
Or to see, in the ever-open third eye of your mind,
Tomorrow's rain.
You must prognosticate.
Fourth: Test your vision.
The real world is where Science starts.
It is where Science ends.
It is all that Science can be.
You are painting,
In languages all of Man can learn,
A picture of everything that exists,
Everything the cosmos ever contained.
You are testing this vision
Against the only critic that matters;
Reality itself.
There will be differences.
Your chemics might form only reddish goo,
Your birdson might never fly,
The rain might be early.
This is where Science,
And only Science,
Fifthly: Amend the theory.
In the light of new experience,
In the aftershock of failure,
Or the delerium of getting wet,
In your own, private, predicted
You take your vision
Back to the beginning.
You observe the world,
The Worlds,
The manifold complexities of everything,
And, while gasping at the beauty,
Of a mind that can enjoy such things
You start all over again.
In Sum: Improve the Human Condition.
And why do this?
Why work for years,
Attempting to understand,
The double image in Iceland Spar?
Or the intimate workings of bacteria?
Or how pain happens?
Or gravity?
Or the properties of lasers
Passing through spacetime
Just this side of being solidified
By magnetism?
Apart from sheer curiosity?
Sometimes, the spinoffs are quite useful.
Things like antiseptics,
The game is fun.
When you play it properly,
Respect the rules,
And forget all the cheats,
Like faerie, gods and goblin queens.
It is a good game.
One we can all play.
And it can only enhance the beauty
Of our rainbowed worlds.
The scientific method,
Is the only game in town,
For Real Men.
-- John McCoy