FYI, we upgraded our 'phorum' software to the newest stable version. You may notice a few new features. Please email me ASAP if anything looks odd, breaks, etc.
--El mulo poeta -
Testing a feature....
: ) or : - ) Should give you this :-)
: D or : - D Should give you this
We only have 2 options. This is part of my test.
--El mulo poeta -
Aaron, check out posts on Homework Assistance: Rae Belgard
and on USP under Kellygirl. It seems your new software does not recognize
quotation marks as such.
"See." Just a test.
: )
Had to play with this for a while but finally got it. With the spaces in, they don't work. See: : ) or : - ) and : D or : - D. But when you close it up, you get: or :-) and
or :-D! What fun!
Odd. It appears that question marks might not work in the subject of postings....I'll need to see if this pattern holds or if something else is setup incorrectly.
--El mulo poeta -
On my favorites list I have the link that takes me to all of posters on this site and I use it often to review the poems. Since the upgrade all I get is a notice that says: This page cannot be shown. Is that a result of the software and is there any fix?
I'm noticing lately that sometimes when I'm jumping from topic to topic, using the 'older topic' button, that instead of landing in the first item in the thread, I'm landing on a response.
There doesn't seem to be a pattern to this. Also, I use 'threaded view.'
Hi Aaron!
Well done. It looks good. Only, eh, I miss the button/link at the bottom of the page (next to forum list/log out etc) to go back to the list. Now I have to scroll back up again to do so.
I found another strange thing. I logged in, posted a bit, and after that I went to the homework forum. I wasn't logged in anymore! When I went back to this forum I still wasn't logged in.
Note: i do not click the "remember my login" button, because I use computers in internetcafe's and I do not want someone else incidentily posting under my name.
I used the same window. I just logged in again, and if I open the 'go to top" in a new window I am still logged in. I go to homework assistance: not logged in anymore, so the problem is there. I did the same test with the user submitted forum: same problem.
And I am still very much missing the "go to top" button at the bottom at page! Pretty please?... ;-)
Desi wrote:
I found another strange thing. I logged in, posted a bit, and
after that I went to the homework forum. I wasn't logged in
anymore! When I went back to this forum I still wasn't logged
I can only assume the internet cafe might not have allowed you to set a cookie. This cookie would store your temporary settings....and if it couldn't be set, your system wouldn't remember that you ever logged into the system...
And I am still very much missing the "go to top" button at the
bottom at page! Pretty please?... ;-)
Yes, that is on the list of things to do.
We have just switched to a new ISP as of Monday (6/23/2003) which is the reason for our 6-8 hours of down time. We are actively working to fix things broken before anything else.
--El mulo poeta -
Emule missing Monday-Thursday! I suffered from separation anxiety!Extremely glad you're back. (Even called my ISP to see if something was wrong with my computer)
KD wrote:
Emule missing Monday-Thursday! I suffered from separation
anxiety!Extremely glad you're back. (Even called my ISP to see
if something was wrong with my computer)
Sorry about that. We had to move from 1 ISP to another. If you read some of my previous postings about my former employer (who also provided hosting) you would know that we have been searching for many months on a replacement ISP to take the co-location box we have. We finially settled on a family run network center. So, at least for the city of Atlanta, we found the best possible solution.
However, that also means we are now paying $220.00 per month for hosting whereas before it had been free for the past year and a half.
If your curious, the reseller is here:
--El mulo poeta -
Aaron, hopefully this will eliminate the slow loading times we experienced late at night with the other host. I'm curious as to why some of us were able to get to the site on Tuesday and Wednesday while others were shut out?
Les wrote:
Aaron, hopefully this will eliminate the slow loading times we
experienced late at night with the other host. I'm curious as
to why some of us were able to get to the site on Tuesday and
Wednesday while others were shut out?
Ah! Some ISPs cache the DNS settings longer than others. When we moved locations the IP address for the website changed from to the current IP address of
Most ISPs cache those addresses to make the web load faster....and those settings can take anywhere up to 72 hours to update. So everyone should gradually adjust to the new settings
As of Wednesday around 80% of our traffic had returned. We should be around 90-95% today (Thursday) and hopefully by Friday everyone will be back to normal.
And yes, the old ISP was a bit slow. The spot we are at now is family operated but FAR more professional than the last one!
--El mulo poeta -
Thank you! I am extremely happy with my button.
I was afraid about the cookie thing. Ah well, I will learn to live with it.
Anyway, since the cost of the forum, isn't it time to add another button:
"support us!"
If you make it able to become a member, with an anual fee, I think a lot of us regulars would be interested. And maybe as a bonus we could get our names in, eh, blue or something? Just to make us look more interesting. :-)
(don't make the fee too outrageous though. I still haven't found a moneytree, and I am looking all over europe for one... Anyone sighted one someplace else?)