Here we go with the 9/24/2006 updated announcement:
Registration is now requried to post messages. Unregistered or users not logged into the board can view messages.
REGISTRATION IS ALIVE! (YES, the system will now send our email! Thank the gods, we have email! It only took 1.75 years of development to achieve this day!) Be gentile, the system is dealing with personality issues (mostly Rudy's personalty in programming).
1. When trying to view large lists you receive a memory message. If you see this message goto your profile. You have adjusted one of your viewing preferences which is overloading the current system. Trial and error is suggested (the default settings work, but if you customized yours, you can run into difficulties)
2. When you post a message, it asks you to log in again! This is a unique feature - temporary work around is to simply log in the second time, use your back button to go back to the posting which you typed and submit it. This way you won't type the same message twice.
SPAM & PORN. What else? Someone decided that our poetry discussion was a bit dry. I suppose the "big words" were too much for the graphical generation. Some of the agressive spam is still mixed within the postings. We should have all of the spam removed. If we missed any please post a link here.
As of 9/26/2006 only a few users will having trouble posting any messages to the system. If this is not the case please email me - rgilmer at emule dot com.
--El mulo poeta -
Edited 6 time(s). Last edit at 10/27/2006 09:33PM by root.
Thanks for keeping us up to date, Aaron.
I will begin trying to bump those posts which were on top the day the spam fest began back to the front page. This process will take a while so please be patient.
Too bad, but what else can one do when constantly annoyed by spammers.
That's ok. Now I feel like I can come back, read posts and am not wasting my time because of all the junk spam. Nice job.
Huzzah ! !
while you guys are working so hard anyway, I might as well ask you to add a link to the poetry archives which is accessible from the various forums. At the moment, I actually have to use an old bookmark to access them, which is a bit of a shame, of course.
thank you for the hard work!
I've noticed that too, Desi. Anyone who may have lost the link to that page should bookmark this link: [] />
And Rudy, a simple fix for that situation would be to add the link above on the "Go To" bar at the top of this page and title it "Home".
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/27/2006 01:39AM by lg.
I am crossing my fingers in hope this will be posted!
Wow, it is. I am back in !!!!! This is my day!
Here's an interesting post by Bob over on the USP:
Re: Frivolious Conservation #83
Posted by: illudiumphosdex (
Date: September 08, 2021 06:43PM
AHA! If the admin of this fine establishment could block anyone coming from an domain, we might be able to put a stop to this. If you look at the reply email address of a few of these spam users, that's the one thing they've got in common.
My $0.02...
- Bob
I might add that Bob works as a progammer in Michigan.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/27/2006 03:24AM by lg.
Khalida still can't sign in.
She just posted a poem 2 days ago: [] />
I got a message this morning from her saying she could not post, Les.
Peter, according to her latest post, she says she can only post from school. Which sounds to me like its probably a problem with her browser at home, and not a problem with the software here at e-mule.
But, she should send a private message to Aaron, "root", and explain what happens when she tries to log-in at home. My guess is that the computer at work remembers her password, and the one at home has lost that password somehow. Perhaps, Aaron can find that password, or change it and send her a new one.
Dear Les, The problem is present at both locations but Aaron helped me figure out a run-around-the-bush method for school. Home seems an impossible case. The main problem is I cannot send any PM to anyone cause I can't get through the log in, even though I am logged into the forum. However, I think I still have patience to survive this and hope that it will be resolved somehow, although I am frustrated sometimes, I admit.
Peter, I really thank you a lot for seriously trying to help me out in pursuing my case. Love you!
Khalida, it sounds like yours is a problem unique to your computer, which may mean it is your browser at home.
If you could not log in at all, that would be a totally different matter. If the problem is that you have to click in twice, join the club, many of us must do that in order to post.
In either case, we have certainly missed your thoughtful comments here at E-mule.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/02/2022 12:48PM by lg.
Thanks Les. I have missed you all so much too. I now am more empathetic ith all forms of difficulty or challenge in being able to express.. I will try to keep track of all that goes on!
Hi Aaron, Rudy,
I am wondering if there is a possibility of a mass email going out, encouraging those that might have had some login troubles to make another stab at. Seems to me that there are likely many others like JP and Kelly that had gone astray that might like to know it has been fixed.
Brucefur Wrote:
Hi Aaron, Rudy,
I am wondering if there is a possibility of a mass
email going out, encouraging those that might have
had some login troubles to make another stab at.
Seems to me that there are likely many others like
JP and Kelly that had gone astray that might like
to know it has been fixed.
We can certainly consider that option
--El mulo poeta -
lg Wrote:
Here's an interesting post by Bob over on the
Re: Frivolious Conservation #83
Posted by: illudiumphosdex (
Date: September 08, 2021 06:43PM
AHA! If the admin of this fine establishment could
block anyone coming from an domain, we
might be able to put a stop to this. If you look
at the reply email address of a few of these spam
users, that's the one thing they've got in
My $0.02...
- Bob
I might add that Bob works as a progammer in
Bob via Les, it is true this wouldn't be challenging except Rudy decided to be creative in his current setup/configuration of the box. We are behind a proxy server now, so the only IP this domain sees is that he assigned to the proxy....which isn't especially exciting. We only have 1 IP we could block at the moment. This is all in the name of "security"![]()
However, if Bob is a Apache, MySQL, Perl, PHP or CGI capable programmer we'll see if Rudy will give him a shell account and allow him to start programming if he is interested. I personally believe in volunteerism.
--El mulo poeta -
I personally believe in volunteerism.
Not me, I'd rather let Bob do it.
On a more serious note, has anyone at the mule, or anyone reading this found any errant spam messages?
You boys are as confused, I say as confused as a mouse in a burlesque show.
I'm not a programmer, although I have dabbled in Visual Basic programming (which was the topic up for discussion when Les eagle-eyed me in a crowd). Although let me state for the record that, if I could, I would be completely content to ditch my job and code in Excel all day long. Many reasons for this.
My statement regarding domain name blocking was just from clicking on the links for the many usernames spamming the board, and noticing their common domains.
Kudos to the mule admins for taking the bull by the horns and wrestling it to the earth.
- Bob
"I know what you're gonna say, son. When two halves is gone there's nuthin' left - and you're right. It's a little ol' worm who wasn't there. Two nuthins is nuthin'. That's mathematics, son. You can argue with me but you can't argue with figures. Two half nuthins is a whole nuthin'."
Sorry, Bob, my bad. I guess I was barking up the wrong tree.
How was the trip and the wedding?
The new system of being asked to provide user-name and password when you post needs some adapting to. I have found it useful to go through the motions of posting a message with no content on any thread, as soon as I have logged in, just to get that initial hurdle out of the way.
I have found however that the effect doesn't always last. Several times recently, I have typed up lengthy posts, and then tried to post them, usually from the preview window, only to be asked again for ID. And after providing that, I have found that my post - which I assumed would go through as soon as I provided the ID - didn't go through, and has completely disappeared! Maybe I was doing something wrong, but my advice would be to copy all of a large post into PC memory before attempting a post, as a precaution against screwing up.
re: I have found however that the effect doesn't always last. Several times recently, I have typed up lengthy posts, and then tried to post them, usually from the preview window, only to be asked again for ID. And after providing that, I have found that my post - which I assumed would go through as soon as I provided the ID - didn't go through, and has completely disappeared! Maybe I was doing something wrong, but my advice would be to copy all of a large post into PC memory before attempting a post, as a precaution against screwing up.
This is what I do to avoic the problem yyou describe.
I type my post.
Then, when the machine tells me I am (no longer) signed in, I sign in again.
Then, I scroll back with the arrow in the left hand top of my window for my server to my original post, which I then post to the forum in the usual way.
If this does not make sense to you, just ignore me.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/20/2006 09:16PM by drpeternsz.
Thanks for the advice, Peter. It works beautifully and will certainly eliminate any future frustration with this new feature.
emule seems more slow than before. Is it just me or do others experience the same thing?
Alles is het zelfde voor me.
ben je een nederlandse cursus aan het volgen of gebruik je een vertaalmachine?
Ik zal dan eens naar mijn instellingen moeten kijken, bedankt.
Ian, Peter and Marty,
I find it much simpler to type my post, hit CTRL A and then CTRL C before hitting Post Message. When it asks you to sign in again, do so, they hit CTRL V. Viola, your comment has been restored without all that back clicking. Takes about 3 seconds. Not everything requires your mouse :p
Thanks, Hugh.