This one I cannot forbear to share, though I see that Wondering Minstrels have got there first:
Windows is shutting down
by Clive James
Windows is shutting down, and grammar are
On their last leg. So what am we to do?
A letter of complaint go just so far,
Proving the only one in step are you.
Better, perhaps, to simply let it goes.
A sentence have to be screwed pretty bad
Before they gets to where you doesnt knows
The meaning what it must of meant to had.
The meteor have hit. Extinction spread,
But evolution do not stop for that.
A mutant languages rise from the dead
And all them rules is suddenly old hat.
Too bad for we, us what has had so long
The best seat from the only game in town.
But there it am, and whom can say its wrong?
Those are the break. Windows is shutting down.
Sound good to me
Can the "clothes" ever be said as "pick up that clothes" as opposed to "pick up those clothes"? This is an ongoing fight between my husband and me. (picking up clothes AND the correct way to say it).
Pick them up yourselves
I think that 'clothes' is always plural. The singular would be 'pick up that shirt.'
Of course, you could pick up his clothes and deposit them neatly in a box marked 'Donations to Salvation Army.' That might get his attention. (Notice that I am assuming in a very sexist way that HE is the one not picking up the clothes) If you are the problem. please pass my suggestion on to him.
Clothing goes in the closet, or bureau drawers, at least. Not on the chair, over there.
What about Exercise Equipment? Certainly clothes go THERE?
Certainly- it's the only real use for an exercise bike.