Here are some links, some old some new, from another site regarding April as NPM:
Knopf Poetry Center: [] />
Join the 8th annual Poem-A-Day celebration
Poetry Foundation: [] />
Poetry Foundation's Poetry Tool - search by title, poet, more:
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New audio archive: [] />
Poetry Magazine: [] />
Billy Collins, past poet laureate:
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USAn Poet Laureate Timeline: [] />
Ted Kooser, current poet laureate:
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Poetry Web casts from the Library of Congress:
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Library of Congress Archive of Recorded Poetry and Literature:
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Poetry 180 from Billy Collins, former poet laureate:
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Favorite Poem Project from Robert Pinsky, former poet laureate:
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The American Academy of Poets [] />
Poem Hunter [] />
Billy Collins: Another Reason Why I Don't Keep A Gun In The House:
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Whups! NPM is only in the USA, in case readers in other countries wonder what in the blazes I am posting about.
I declare it to be worldwide !
So it shall be written, so it shall be edited.
In keeping with the world-wide theme, here's a poetry site which youth in Europe might find helpful: [] />
Some other sites for children in America and other under-privileged areas of the world: [] />
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Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/04/2022 03:50PM by lg.
Hurrah for America having a National Poetry Month.
I have been told that in Iceland there's one day a year when all parliamentary speeches are required to be delivered in rhyming verse. Anyone know whether that's true?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/04/2022 09:12PM by IanB.
youth in Europe
I think I'm against that, but i might have my continents crossed
Aha, youth in Asia, I geddit.
Thanks Hugh !
So, what are you poets and poet-lovers doing "personally" to celebrate this glorious occassion?
I got the free poster in the mail...lied and said I was a teacher (well, I'm gonna be someday). I'll hang it in my classroom as soon as I get one.
Some of you are former teachers...did you do anything in your classrooms special in April?
I should refrain from writing for a month, that would be a boon to the world o poetry !
Here are some great deals on Dover poetry books...
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Seems to me they could pick better poems for their poem-a-day
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Talia, where is that link supposed to take us?
Let's try this
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I don't really care for any of their selections.
"what came to me" was a prose line.
"International Incidents" was funny. Funny doesn't make it good poetry, but it WAS funny.
and "One-Word Poem" (who added the discussion quetions?)
This type of thing is what makes most people treat poetry with a "Are you effing kidding me" attitude
From The Uncyclopedia:
The True Meaning of Poetry
Understanding a poem can be difficult, and this problem may cause people to dislike the art of poetry. This problem is not the reader's fault--it's the poet's. You see, poets are depressed loners who feel smarter than everyone else, so writing poetry is the only way they can make themselves feel superior to the average person. All female poets have been scientifically proven to be angry lesbian feminists; most of them start out heterosexual, but because they cannot find/keep a man, they resort to complaining in the form of poetry. (i.e., Emily Dickinson, Sylvia Plath). All male poets were jilted by their first love and waste the rest of their lives trying to impress a woman who will never love them or read their poetry (i.e., Dante Alighieri, John Donne). If a poet is not good enough to write a great poem, he or she will write something so obscure in meaning that ignoramuses may laud it as one of the greatest poems ever written (i.e., "The Wasteland" by T.S. Eliot). T.S. Eliot was even awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1948 "for his outstanding, pioneer contribution to present-day poetry," but no one really cares (except T.S. Eliot). The truth is, all poets secretly want to be musicians, but they either can't sing or can't play an instrument (usually both).
NEVER listen to a poet discuss the meaning of their poem and/or never listen to a poet reading a poem that he or she has written--you wouldn't put your ear to a bull's anus would you? The meaning of any poem can usually be summed up in one sentence, and the following is a list of commonly used topics in poetry:
* 1) Because I've failed in life, I'm going to complain by making words rhyme.
* 2) I don't understand the meaning of life, but I'll act like I do and I feel like wasting some paper and ink while I'm at it.
* 3) Woah! That girl is fine! (One of the most common topics in the history of poetry)
* 4) Does God exist? If so, He's a butthole.
* 5) I went to Harvard, so you better listen up fool! I'm telling you exactly what's wrong with this world and what you people need to do to change it, you bunch of punks. If you don't understand my poem, you're a dirty ingrate and you are most definately beneath me. (This topic is mostly commonly used by T.S. Eliot)
There is also an extensive list of synonyms of/or related to poetry (here is a sample of the most common):
* 1) Boring
* 2) Stupid
* 3) A Waste of Time
* 4) and...Something to Write Down While You Wait to Die
Great article Johnny, unfortunately I think there's too much #4 from the second list and not enough #1 from the first list.
At least there's some effort being put into #1 first list !
Quick - OED free for a week - getchur words looked up now!
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Yeah, ya gotta make some extra clicks for the results, but y'all can prolly figure them out.
I just stuck this link here for lack of a better spot, right.
Hey, wotta gyp! Howcum 'synesis' ain't in there? Anyone who knows the answer, please raise their hand.
Jinkies ! (which ain't there none neither)
Maybe they think it's a brand-name for a drug test
and they have Chadic but not Chadich
The best thing, though, is the list of words on the side !
Thanks Hugh !
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/17/2006 02:55PM by JohnnySansCulo.
No froam, or Lonx either.
Not much luck finding froam (except as a typo for "from")
Lonx neither
Mine are like real......are yours?
(ok, cha'dich is Klingon, but NIBLETS?)
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Hugh, I know yours are a real one !
If a thread becomes too unwieldy, we can split them into sections!
Synesis would probably lend itself well to a parody of the form itself, what with such words as 'thesis' and 'exegesis". No, I wouldn't use 'enuresis', nuh-uh.
sounds like a load of fecis to me