Those types of quatrains are fun to compose. I transposed a few of them into limericks, and made up some of the quatrain-types as well.
Little Willie ran with scissors,
Of course he tripped and fell;
While other lads are standing pissers,
Willie mimics demoiselle.
Little Willie, as a gift,
Got a bike and rode off yonder;
Mother's peeved but I'm not miffed:
Absence makes the heart grow fonder
Graham also wrote under the pseudonym of Col. D. Streamer, having been a member of the Coldstream Guards at one time. I have posted this incredibly clever one before, but it is worth another exposure:
Poetical Economy
What hours I spent of precious time,
What pints of ink I used to waste,
Attempting to secure a rhyme
To suit the public taste,
Until I found a simple plan
Which makes the tamest lyric scan!
When I've a syllable de trop,
I cut it off, without apol.:
This verbal sacrifice, I know,
May irritate the schol.;
But all must praise my dev'lish cunn.
Who realize that Time is Mon.
My sense remains as clear as cryst.,
My style as pure as any Duch.
Who does not boast a bar sinist.
Upon her fam. escutch.;
And I can treat with scornful pit.
The sneers of ev'ry captious crit.
I gladly publish to the pop.
A scheme of which I make no myst.,
And beg my fellow scribes. to cop.
This labor-saving syst.
I offer it to the consid.
Of ev'ry thoughtful individ.
The author, working like a beav.,
His readers' pleasure could redoub.
Did he but now and then abbrev.
The work he gives his pub.
(This view I most partic. suggest
To A. C. Bens. and G. K. Chest.)
G.K. Chesterton should be familiar to all, but Arthur Benson is likely obscure by today.