I would like to volunteer - for purely selfish reasons. I will then be forced to read and think about poems other people choose. Otherwise you read peoms you yoursefl choose.
Problem is I have lost my earlier (regular, free, trustworthy, and fast) access to the internet. I lost my job - and not really because they found out i was reading poetry instead of working. Now I come to this cyber cafe when i can to spend extended hours on the net. The keys of the computer here keep getting rstuck.

I am learning how to pound the keyboard.
If it is okay to be irregular I would like to be on board. (Although, I do not have access to print resources of western poetry this side of the globe.) I would like to be part of this though.
>"If you read any work and you find that it is full of ideas that make you think: if those ideas are conveyed in imagery or drama and above all - if the words are smooth and natural and sonorous, and as effortless as a drum beating in a distant forest- then you are probably reading great poetry." AB (Banjo) Paterson
Wow, wow, wow terrific!!!!!!!
Edited 1 times. Last edit at 01/10/06 10:31AM by ns.