I've not even read any of the replies yet, I wanted to do my own!
How are you? Well, I hope. Hmm...song lyrics vs. poetry...such a controversial subject! In my own opinion, they both have potential for incredible beauty. Personally, I have a very difficult time writing lyrics, but I can normally write a poem, given correct inspiration (Even though they're not always that good!!). Some people have an easy time writing meaningful lyrics, but don't write poetry that often, or maybe it isn't as "good."
What defines good? Not subject matter or "level" of writing. Rather, how effectively did that person convey their subject (generally thoughts and emotions, but sometimes a strong opinion, as in the case of several of Jazzy's poems)? Did their choice of words paint a picture in your mind, or make you feel what the felt? Also, rhythm isn't...THAT important, however, bad rhythm can ruin a poem. Bad rhythm, in my opinion would be...like this:
Da DA da da da da
DA da da da, da da
Da da da da da da da DA DA DA da da da DA DA
or some such. Lol, I can't even read that (good luck!). Anyways, sometimes if one line is much longer than the others, it tends to throw me off. I've also read poems that seem to lack any rhythm at all, and that's very very difficult to read.
What about good lyrics? Same thing, though the rhythm is generally defined by the music. Like I mentioned previously...how well are the lyricist's thoughts portrayed? Do they touch the audience? Move them towards love or maybe even anger? Do they sympathize with the audience's pain?
The lyrics of a certain genre, I find to be hollow and meaningless. But certainly not BECAUSE they belong to the genre. There are many songs I like that belong to that certain classification--No, I'm not telling you what it is

In turn, I've found several poems to strike me, personally, as hollow and meaningless, not to say that they are. But, sometimes they just...I can't feel what they felt, I have a hard time seeing their point, or perhaps I don't get the feeling that they feel their emotions/opinion strongly (there's a mouthful!). For example....Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and I love you. Umm...how much do you love him/her? Does your passion run deep and strong? Sometimes, the simplest of words can be the sweetest of nature. I myself am flattered very easily, and odd as it may seem, I LOVE those "cheap" pickup lines like "Is your father a thief?...Then why did he steal the stars and put them in your eyes?" Ahh! I melt! Lol. Anyways, getting sidetracked!
So again......."good" work is based upon how well their thoughts/emotions/opinions were portrayed. Sometimes grammar comes into play, but I don't think that punctuation (Brucefur ), specific wording, etc. etc. are going to absolutely destroy or create a poem/song. I'm rambling...
You asked about great lyricists of past/present. Mmm...Trent Reznor. Some of you may know him as Nine Inch Nails. Now, before you all turn away forming crosses with your fingers, hear me out. This man has been hurt, like most of us. His heart has been torn apart by lovers past. He feels that God does not exist, because of all the pain he has seen in his life. How many of us have had our hearts broken?? How many of us know the pain of rejection, the pain of hatred??? Now...how many of us can portray it as good as he does?
"Head like a hole...black as your soul...I'd rather die...than give you control." (Head Like A Hole)
"Nothing can stop me now cause just don't care anymore." (March of the Pigs)
"My god sits in the back of a limousine; My god comes in a wrapper of cellophane; My god pouts on the cover of a magazine; My god's a shallow little ***** tryin to make the scene..." (Starf*ckers, Inc.)
My personal favorite (or one of them!) is posted at www.poetry.com under a search for Reznor, Trent. It's entitled "The Fragile" and is absolutely beautiful. But..you need to hear it.
YES, his music is "morbid." YES, it is dark. YES, he does scream sometimes. YES, he curses God and all his creation. YES, he has written of heresy. YES, he is angry. BUT...look at how well he portrays his emotions!! I nearly cried when I first read "The Fragile." He is an absolutely STUNNING artist, and a God of our time, if looked at in the correct point of view. Will you turn from him because he hurts and isn't afraid to show it?
On a bit of a lighter note...Jewel. Absolutely beautiful! Her first album, Pieces of You, has a "Parental Advisory" sticker on it, but that's because she swears a couple of times, and speaks of bad things in an "in your face" fashion. But...her love songs! Her song of abuse of all sorts (Daddy)..the art with which she is able to express everything in her soul!! She is also a very good poet, you should check out her book, A Night Without Armour.
Lol, wow I went off on lotsa tangents! I apologize if any of you strayed from this post in all of its ramblings, but I feel very strongly about this subject. I umm...I'm gonna go now, I have homework to do! Ciao!
Lady of the Night