Posted by:
LRye (
Dear Satirical:
Your question intrigues me too.
I ponder biblical stuff constantly due to my desire to better understand God and my faith better (doesn't work all that well

I've concluded (and this will piss off fundamentalists---
but I don't care) that the Bible is a like a guidebook.
I was raised Christian, thus will talk of Christ here
even though I believe that each faith has it own Messiah and I completely respect others' faiths---
Jesus talked in parables so I think the Bible can be seen as one big metaphor.
What is the metaphor about and what does that attempt teach?
I don't know---that's how I make sense of things so that I can sleep nights.
Like babies, maybe man was naive to evil until he first encountered it.
Once you encounter anything, you can't be naive ever again
and are forced to deal with it.
So then you might ask, why did God create evil if he loved man?
I don't know---I'm a stupid poet just trying to make sense of the day-to-day
and maybe that's why we have the day-to-day---
like if God was so smart why didn't he make us like Samantha
so we wouldn't have to clean house or brush our teeth or eat broccoli
and other antioxidants---
well I don't know---cuz all that keeps us going and busy.
I have a friend who lives in a pretty much constant sunny climate
who says its awful because the change of temp is necessary for one's mental state to fluctuate, that constancy gets dull and one get's lazy about it all,
so who knows. Maybe change and conflict make us work and think harder thus helping develop our spirits for the next life, assuming there is one.
Edited 2 times. Last edit at 07/02/05 03:32PM by LRye.